About Us
OMEDIA is one of ONPASSIVE's largest and most varied integrated media channels. It controls a variety of media and information outlets. It has an interest in the creation and maintenance of websites, personal accounts, and the digital content industry, the latter of which is most significant for the Story of the Month. It also has an interest in media and consulting services in the field of digital media. Delivering timely analyses and insights through a variety of media activities to businesses that support the media industry. Organizing conferences, events and workshops related to digital media technology and artificial intelligence. Providing training programs at all levels.
ONPASSIVE is pleased to introduce its new product, O-Robots, an innovative product that combines modern technology and artificial intelligence to provide a unique interactive experience for users. This product includes two types of robots, the "Mini Robot" for personal use and the "Big Robot" for interacting with the public in conferences and public places.
Mini Robot:
This small smart robot is the first product in the O-Robots series. It stands at 30 cm and is designed to be an interactive office tool. It relies on advanced operating technologies that enable it to respond to voice commands making it usable to assist users in accomplishing tasks related to their work field. This makes it ideal for professionals looking for ways to improve their efficiency. The robot is trained based on customer requirements, ensuring the provision of a customized service that varies from one client to another.
Big Robot:
Unlike its smaller counterpart, the big robot towers at 165 cm, making it resemble the natural size of the human body. It is an advanced robot specially designed to interact with the public in conferences and public places, and it can also be used in distinguished places such as the entrance of institutions and companies. Like the small robot, this type can be programmed to provide information and welcome guests and clients, making it ideal for situations that require clear and interactive presence. It is also variably programmable, and it can be equipped to accomplish specific tasks at any separate occasion.
The AI platform at O-MEDIA, the media arm of ONPASSIVE, the leader company in artificial intelligence technology that carries the slogan “A company on which the sun never sets.”
Our platform was established to be the primary interface for the artificial intelligence unit that was recently established in O-MEDIA. It becomes a technological outlook in every sense of the word. It is a media platform specialized in artificial intelligence technologies. It represents us as an advanced media interface on the Internet, where we aim to publish everything new in the world of intelligence. Artificial intelligence worldwide, while providing the latest news about ONPASSIVE, its products and services.
Our focus is on providing a variety of services to our networks, as well as enhancing their skills.
With over 20 years of experience in setting up media and educational entities, organizing events, and research.
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